The Sega CD has only a few hockey games, and most fans choose to swat their pucks in cartridge form. When looking at games like, this, it become painfully clear why. Sony Imagesoft’s CD rendition of ESPN National Hockey Night offers little over its cartridge sibling save for some awful load times and grainy video. Check this one and stick (ha!) with the cartridge version.
FIFA Soccer ’96
Though many would argue that Sensible Soccer was the better series, Electronic Arts’ FIFA games helped define the sport of soccer on the Genesis, and they are still very playable today. Some were better than others though, as evidenced by marked contrasts between the ’95 and ’96 installments.
WWF WrestleMania: the Arcade Game
Tired of the same old wrestling matches and stiff moves? Then this is the game for you! Taking everything you love about professional wrestling and tossing it, Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game pits eight WWF legends against each other in some hilarious matches. If you’re a fan, then you need to check this one out!
Core Design really knew how to make the Sega CD sing, and a great example of that skill is the mech FPS Battletech. Big robots with lots of firepower are always cool, and this game does a good job of making the idea playable with a 16-bit control scheme. Lock and load!
Among the many European titles that never came to the American Genesis was Ottifants. Based on an obscure property that wasn’t all too well known in its native territory, it’s no surprise that Sega of America deemed the subject matter to unfamiliar to U.S. audiences for a localization. Depending on your tastes, you may or may not be missing much as a result.