Koei’s excellent war simulation releases extended beyond ancient Japan and into the 20th century, spawning a franchise that lasted several console generations. P.T.O.’s robust and fun military management gave players the chance to play as either Axis or Allies and determine the fate of the world.
Irem’s brawling hit came home to the Master System without much of a downgrade, and it even supported the console’s neat FM sound feature. An addition well worth tracking down and adding to any library, Vigilante remains a great example of how Sega’s 8-bit machine could deliver arcade hits.
Water Margin: The Tales of Clouds and Winds
Lots of Mega Drive games came out in Taiwan and never left. Thankfully, we’re finally seeing releases of many of these titles, and Water Margin is one worth checking out. A beat-’em-up steeped in ancient Chinese history, it’s a fun romp for two players.
Zillion II: Tri Formation
The first Zillion game was a wonderful and exciting action title with lots of exploration. Its sequel stripped all of that away and instead gave players a dull and repetitive affair. It might not necessarily be a bad game, but it definitely came up short compared to its predecessor.
Gain Ground
Gain Ground was a great arcade experience, and SIMS managed to capture that magic and charm for the Genesis port. Unfortunately, it decided against a U.S. release. Thankfully, Renovation stepped up to the plate and gave us a chance to play this awesome co-op action title.