Lots of companies tried to cash in on the popularity of college sports, but not everyone was able to truly bring the experience home. Time Warner’s effort featured a recognizable name but not much else, and the game attached to it wasn’t really much fun to play.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire
Koei’s long-running strategy series made a singular appearance on the 32X in Japan, and it was never released outside of that country. Currently it’s considered one of the rarest games in that library, but is it worth playing? Very much so, despite a daunting language barrier.
Psycho Pinball
There are more than a few pinball games on the Genesis, and while most gamers seem to prefer Naxat Soft’s offerings over the others, there are actually some great alternatives. Codemasters’ Psycho Pinball is one game that offers some solid pinball action that most others on the console can’t provide. It’s definitely worth looking into.
Rent A Hero
Early in the life of the Mega Drive, Sega of Japan released an AM2-created RPG starring a kid in a super suit. Rent A Hero went on to achieve cult status among Sega fans, but the series has never officially crossed the Pacific. This is a shame, as it’s a quirky title that, while not the best RPG on the console, still manages to be entertaining.
Shanghai II: Dragon’s Eye
Mahjong is an ancient game that remains as challenging and engaging as ever, and publishers have been striving to make the perfect game for years. Activision’s Shanghaii series is well-known and loved, and the Genesis port of Dragon’s Eye is about as close as one can come to Mahjong bliss on the console.