Dinosaurs are supposed to be cool, right? Most games that have them are, but there are a few that remind us why the terrible lizards became extinct. Fucom’s take on the popular children’s movie was an effort to cash in on a license, but it never quite figured out what it wanted to be, and all it ended up doing was making dinosaurs unattractive.
Sierra came up with an offbeat take on basketball that unfortunately doesn’t execute as well as it should. An interesting concept that stands out among other Sega CD titles, Bouncers unfortunately falls flat due to uninspired gameplay and an overall lack of depth. It might still be worth looking into for the novelty factor but not much beyond that.
Teddy Boy Blues
Teddy Boy has been in arcades and on the Master System, but most gamers don’t know that he appeared on the Genesis as well. As one of the few TeleNet modem games released only in Japan, Teddy Boy Blues was a decent translation of the game. Those looking for another arcade maze title might want to check it out.
Andre Agassi Tennis
The Genesis is host to many quality tennis titles, and fans of the sport should count themselves lucky for this fact when they’re faced with the possibility of having to play a game as bad as this one. Shoddy programming and lackluster presentation are enough to make anyone go McEnroe and smash their controller while yelling “really?” at the television.
Ever wanted to own your own airline? Ever wondered what it would be like to control the industry, charging people for everything short of the very air they breathe on the plane? Now is your chance! Koei’s seminal simulation franchise lets players manage their own airline company, and while its sequel was much better, the first installment got things off to a great start.