Despite its simple premise and short duration, Cannon Spike is a Dreamcast favorite. It combined frantic bullet action with large bosses to give players a quick burst of adrenaline. The high is a short one, but it’s definitely one worth pursuing, especially with a second player along.
3 Ninjas Kick Back
3 Ninjas Kick Back did a decent enough job of breaking the cycle of poor licensed video games. It’s not perfect, but it won’t waste your time. The Sega CD version added a few bells and whistles to the presentation, along with a few exclusive stages, possibly making this the best version to play. If you’re looking for a solid platformer, this one is worth a look.
Shining the Holy Ark
The Shining series debuted on the Saturn with a return to its dungeon crawling roots. Despite bearing some of the genre’s flaws, Shining the Holy Ark was a strong entry with great gameplay and presentation that set the stage for Shining Force’s revival.
Action Fighter
Action Fighter tried to be the Master System’s answer to Bally/Midway’s Spy Hunter, but it lacked the same charm and excitement. The result is an average game that doesn’t quite live up to its name. “Average Fighter” would perhaps have been a more accurate moniker.
Resident Evil
Capcom’s survival horror legend tore its way onto the Saturn a year late but brought along some goodies to make up for its tardiness. The new Battle Mode and graphical touches enhanced an already solid game enough to warrant one more trip into the mansion.