Streets of Rage on the Genesis is considered a classic. Unfortunately, It’s portable cousin wasn’t able to convey the rage quite as well, and it comes off more as “Alley of the Mildly Annoyed.” While it’s not a terrible game, it lacks the polish of the 16-bit original, and the experience suffers overall. Still, it’s worth playing for the Yuzo Koshiro music alone!
Maze Hunter 3-D
The Master System’s SegaScope 3-D glasses are largely considered to be a gimmick, but there is some solid gameplay with most of the titles that use the technology. Maze Hunter 3-D is a simple, arcadey maze game that makes great use of the effect for a solid and trippy experience.
Virtual VCR: Colors of Modern Rock
In 1993, Sega CD owners had the chance to obtain a free copy of Virtual VCR through the mail. It was a simple offering from Sega, with little in the way of gameplay in any sense. It doesn’t take long to release why it was never sold at retail, and even less time to move on to something else entirely.
Paperboy 2 (Game Gear)
Paperboy is an arcade classic that has been on just about every console imaginable. The sequel allowed players to play as a girl and featured stages that moved in different directions. Unfortunately, it lost a lot of its charm on the way to the Game Gear, and you’re probably better off with a digital subscription than waiting on this paperboy.
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! 2
Accolade’s answer to the NBA Jam series was to give basketball star “Sir” Charles Barley his own series. The game was successful enough to spawn a sequel, but unfortunately, it doesn’t do much to push the “street b-ball” sub-genre forward. Perhaps its most remarkable feature is how it squeezes every ounce out of its undoubtedly expensive endorsement.