The Master System is not known for a wide selection of RPGs, but some actually get passed over in favor of more recognized titles. Miracle Warriors is such title, having spent decades in the shadows of Phantasy Star and Ys. While it is far from their level of quality, there is actually a decent game under some unforgiving RPG mechanics.
Chessmaster, The
The most legendary digital chess game in history came to the Game Gear in 1991, and Nova Logic did a stellar job with the port. Fans of the Game of Kings would do well to give this version a try, as the computer can be quite challenging, and it even features a two-player option!
Super Off Road (Game Gear)
Impressive in the arcades and on the NES, Super Off Road comes to the Game Gear, and it even has two-player support. Lamentably, that’s about all it has, unless you count the slippery control, crushing difficulty, and meager track selection. Maybe it’s better if this truck gets left in the garage…
Robot Battler
On the Mega Drive, Sega began offering downloadable games via its MegaNet service. Robot Battler was among the titles released, but it offered little satisfaction compared to some of the other titles. Today, what novelty it has is gone, and the actual game is perhaps better left as a footnote in the company’s history.
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (Game Gear)
Go, go Sega Game Gear! The Power Rangers kick and chop their way onto Sega’s little portable in a game that’s actually pretty darn fun! It may not be the most complex title out there, but it’s entertaining, plays well, and looks and sounds great. The Rangers were pretty solid on Sega’s hardware, and this is definitely one worth checking out.