The Game Gear is chock full of great RPGs, and some of them never left Japan. Royal Stone, the sequel to Crystal Warriors, is one game that got left behind. It’s an incredible strategy/RPG with beautiful presentation and engaging gameplay. And it’s now been translated into English! Game Gear owners everywhere need to track down this incredible title.
Fun ‘N’ Games
With mini games and both music and painting editors, Fun ‘N Games had potential to be a unique title on the Genesis. It fails to hit the mark, but there’s still enough here to keep the little ones entertained for a while. It’s diverse enough to be worth a look, and parents just might find themselves having fun making some music!
World Class Leaderboard Golf (Game Gear)
Ready for some strokes on the Game Gear? Well, you’re probably better off looking somewhere else. World Class Leaderboard Golf is a bare-bones golf game that only makes a passing attempt at being a simulator. The gameplay is too simplistic, and the presentation is lacking. U.S. Gold scored a bogey with this one.
Berenstain Bears Camping Adventure (Game Gear)
The classic Berenstain Bears made two appearances in the “Sega Club” line of children’s games for the Genesis and Game Gear, and both titles are fun little romps, with the Game Gear version being the more engaging of the two. Simple to play but not as easy as one would expect from a children’s game, it’s well suited for Sega’s portable.
Surf Ninjas
Developed in tandem with the movie, the Game Gear Surf Ninjas game is recognized for being the first tie-in release completed before its license. That’s about all it has going for it though, as stiff and repetitive gameplay and bland design bring it down almost the level of the movie.