After the successful Sonic The Hedgehog, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that a sequel was coming and that it would be just as great as the original or better. In my opinion, Sonic 2 improves on all of that game’s faults and in most cases, surpasses it.
High Seas Havoc
Data East jumped in on the mascot platformer craze, and its hero was a pirate! Ok, so it was extremely unoriginal and derivative. The biggest knock against it is that it doesn’t really try to make up for its theme with solid gameplay.
Sword of Sodan
Electronic Arts thought to compete with Golden Axe by releasing a slasher of its own. However noble the company’s intentions, however, the game it backed fell well short of the mark, and Sword of Sodan is forever associated with the worst in the genre.
TMNT: Tournament Fighters
Tournament Fighters has EVERYTHING the SNES version is missing except for the gameplay, and that’s a big ”except.” I loved that Konami always made each version of a game completely different, like with TMNT: TF, Sparkster and Contra. Still, this game is definitely worth buying if only for the music!
Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy was made in mid-1990 by Sega. It was based on the extremely popular 1989 movie of the same name. But how did it play? Read the full review and find out!