The Sega CD debuted with few titles that really showed off its capabilities, and although scorned today, Cobra Command was unlike anything most gamers had experienced on home consoles at the time. Of course, the proof is in the pudding, and gameplay is what really matters. Does this hold up? Read our review and see.
Ecco the Dolphin (CD)
Ecco’s is an oceanic adventure filled to the brim with creativity, complexity and even a dash of mystery. It’s an adventure that will try your patience for each of its thirty aquatic levels, six of which are exclusive to the stereosonic Sega CD revision.
Sega answered Nintendo’s Tetris monster with a puzzle game of its own. Though not as popular, Columns proved to be a solid seller, despite some flaws. Is it worth tracking down for your Genesis? Read our review and find out.
Rolling Thunder 2
Rolling Thunder 2 takes just about everything the original did well and does it better. Sharper and more detailed graphics, a greater variety of weapons, smarter and more plentiful enemies; all make for a great sequel. Namco adopted an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality here, leaving the game play intact.
Quackshot Starring Donald Duck
Of all the characters in Disney’s stable, only Mickey Mouse is more famous than Donald Duck. Movies and cartoons galore have made the rodent’s pal one of the most recognizable figures ever created. I’ve always liked him, probably because he’s the only Disney character who really lets go when he’s pissed. Never one to be taken advantage of, Donald gets what he wants, no matter how much trouble it gets him into.