Gametek’s furry fighters punch and kick their way onto the Sega CD. After playing the cartridge version, the question most gamers will ask themselves is whether or not this this tournament is worth entering. The answer? Yes, it is.
Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics!
The cartoon duo duke it out, 16-bit style! How was it? Read the review to see!
Eye of the Beholder
One of the most underrated RPGs around, Eye of the Beholder on the Sega CD deserves your attention. Featuring a deep quest, excellent exploration, and a soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro himself, this one is a must-have for all RPG fans!
Though only released in Japan, Gleylancer is one of the best shooters available on the Genesis. A great shmup (and an expensive one) Gleylancer is an awesome experience.
Earthworm Jim: Special Edition
We have a new review up about the Slimy One’s only adventure on the Sega CD! Take a look at one of the best reasons to own Sega’s ill-fated add-on in our full review!