Fans of Take Two’s Major League Baseball 2K5 may or may not remember that the series has its roots in BlueSky Software’s incredible World Series Baseball franchise, which had several installments on the Genesis before reaching the pinnacle of perfection with World Series Baseball ’98 on the Saturn.
ESWAT: City Under Siege
During the 16-bit era, it was normal practice for Sega to release home versions of their arcade hits that were almost different games altogether. This was seen in Moonwalker and Shadow Dancer. Another game to receive the treatment was ESWAT: City under Siege.
Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium
Some say it’s the best in the series. Some say it’s the best Genesis RPG ever made. However you feel about it, there’s no denying that Phantasy Star IV is the a monster of a finale that sent the original storyline out with one hell of a bang.
Toki: Going Ape Spit
Everyone loves monkeys, especially when they spit stuff at people. The two are the chocolate and peanut butter of the animal kingdom. And what do you know? We happen to have a review for a game that features both them. Toki: Going Ape Spit was a an original game, instead of a straight port of the arcade hit, but you’ll have to read our full review to see how it holds up.
VectorMan 2
So we’ve talked to a few of his creators, and we’ve reviewed his first adventure. Is that it? Not at all! VectorMan still has a few things to do, so join us in our full review of the spectacular sequel, VectorMan 2!