There are good maze games, and there are bad maze games. Ms. Pac-Man is a a good example of the genre done right. At the opposite end of the spectrum is Trampoline Terror!, which has to be one of the worst on the Genesis. It’s actually appropriate that this is a maze game, as the developers seem to have been lost throughout the entire development cycle.
Samurai Shodown
The early 90s saw a flood of fighting games, and many thought that the Genesis would never be able to accurately port one of the premier Neo Geo franchises when it was announced that Samurai Showdown would see a release. Were they right? Read our full review and see for yourself.
Mortal Kombat II
Fighting is fun. There’s nothing quite like beating the crap out of someone, and capping it off by ripping out their spine or lopping off their head. Am I serious? Of course not! We’re all best when we leave our violent tendencies to the digital realm, and that’s where games like Mortal Kombat II come in.
Anet Futatabi
Sequels are always anticipated, but some turn out to be less than expected. Such was the case with Wolf Team’s Anet Futatabi, the third game in the trilogy surrounding Anet Myers and Earnest Evans. Expectations were high, but heads were hung low upon release. Care to taste our disappointment? Read our full review.
Wiz ‘N Liz
Long before Project Gotham Racing, Bizarre Creations had already garnered fame for their fresh and innovative games. Among them is a little-know action/platformer named Wiz ‘N’ Liz, in which players take control of two little wizards on their way to rescue…rabbits. The weird thing is, it’s actually quite fun!