Hot on the heels of the classic Golden Axe series, Sega unleashed Alien Storm upon the arcade scene. It was a game that attempted to add to an already solid formula, and overall made a decent attempt. The Genesis version remains a fan favorite to this day, and hopefully Sega will soon rise from its stupor and give us a proper sequel. Until then, you’ll have to get by with our review of the cartridge version.
The only game in the Langrisser series to make it to America, Warsong enamored gamers with its deep gameplay and great music. It’s definitely one title you’ll want on your shelf.
BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat
We’ve got a great way for you to cap off your week. First, a review of that awesome mech action game, BattleTech. Blowing things up has never been so much fun, and nothing equals the sheer euphoria of watching your enemies driven before you, except maybe hearing the lamentations of their women.
Zaxxon’s Motherbase 2000
The 32X tried really hard to impress with its 3D visuals, and to be frank, it didn’t really succeed all that often. Sega also tried hard to attract gamers with innovative gameplay ideas, and they even resurrected a long-forgotten franchise in the attempt. Zaxxon’s Motherbase 2000 didn’t exactly do its namesake justice, but didn’t exactly fall on its face either. Check out our full report for all the flat-shaded details!
Some games are hard. Not enough to frustrate, but just enough to pose a serious challenge. Other games seek to dominate you completely, and you’re feeble skills are no match for their relentless and never-ending onslaught. Sub-Terrania is one such title, and it’s a game where there’s really no middle ground. You either like it or hate it.