A full-blown 3D simulation on my Genesis? Not exactly, but close enough, I’d wager. If only the gameplay were as impressive as the concept itself. In any case, M-1 Abrams Battle Tank is fun for a while, even with its limitations. Read our full review and get ready to pretend that the Communists are still a threat.
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
Appearing on several platforms, NBA Jam Tournament Edition was a big sequel to one of Acclaim’s greatest franchises. The Genesis version was a fan favorite, and our complete write up tells why. Pump up those Reeboks and check your flat top, because it’s game time!
Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns
Sometimes, a company gets too complacent with its properties, and decides to farm them out. Big mistake. The result is almost never good, as demonstrated by U.S. Gold’s horrible Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns. It took everything the original game did well and buried it up deep, deep in the Earth, and what was released was decidedly un-Strider-like.
Body Count
Why do companies release peripherals, only to let them starve to death? Sega’s Menacer often comes to mind whenever Genesis fans ask this very question. There were very few games for it, and one of the best was left in Europe (a rare example of PAL gamers getting a game U.S. Genesis owners didn’t). Body Count was an alien-filled romp packed with great graphics and intense action, and Sega never released it stateside.
Beavis and Butt-Head
As popular as they were in the mid ’90s, it was only a matter of time before Beavis & Butthead made their way to consoles. Their Genesis adventure wasn’t half bad, if you were a fan of the show. Filled with inside jokes and toilet humor, the game had little appeal to those who didn’t appreciate the duo’s brand of humor. Fans, however, loved it.