
Master System Reviews

Ys The Vanished Omens

The only Ys released on the Master System was a port of the first game, and while it lacks the advanced features of its CD-ROM cousin, it offers an excellent rendition of the classic action/RPG. Adol’s first adventure is one anyone with Sega’s 8-bit machine should play, and it still holds up, even with its somewhat clunky combat.

Arcade Reviews

Alien Syndrome (Arcade)

Sega’s 1987 sci-fi classic has done the rounds on multiple formats, but the best way to play it is in its original arcade form. Tense and action-packed, the game was a blast to play with a friend, and it hasn’t lost any of its charm or challenge over the years. It remains one of Sega’s arcade best.

Sega CD Reviews

A-Rank Thunder Tanjouhen

The Mega CD has plenty of great games that never left Japan, and A-Rank Thunder Tanjouhen is one that fans of anime and visual novels should definitely try. The language barrier may be a problem, but the cool character designs and presentation make it worth the effort. We need a fan translation!

Genesis Reviews

It Came from the Desert

One of the more famous Genesis titles that was completed but never given a commercial release, It Came from the Desert has been freely available in ROM form for years. Cinemaware’s lost Genesis game may not be ground-shaking, but it’s worth checking out to see what could have been another addition to the console’s robust library.

Game Gear Reviews

Ecco: The Tides of Time (Game Gear)

Sega’s star dolphin made the rounds on the Genesis and Sega CD, and those games came to the Game Gear as well. The second of them, Tides of Time, isn’t a bad game at all, but it seems to lack that special something one would expect at this stage of the series. It’s worth taking a dip in this sea and checking out Ecco’s quest, just don’t expect a major experience.