More than a decade after they first appeared on consoles, the Tiny Toons are still showing up in video games. Back when they were still actually something new, they had two outings on the Genesis, including an excellent little platform adventure called Buster’s Hidden Treasure. Retaining the charm of the cartoon and spreading it evenly over a massive world, the game was a surprise hit.
Todd’s Adventures in Slime World
Todd’s Adventures in Slime World first debuted on the Atari Lynx but was eventually ported to the Genesis. I guess people just couldn’t get enough of dark, slimy environments filled with nasty creatures. Hmm, not everyone has a gas station restroom nearby, I guess!
Beggar Prince
After some serious playtime, Sega-16 has finally reviewed Beggar Prince. We would have covered it sooner, but…well, we were too busy playing! After so long, actually getting a chance to play a fresh Genesis RPG is something that tolerates no interruption, and we’re in this one for the long haul. We know you’re enthralled as well (you did buy it, didn’t you?), but why not hit pause yourself and have a look?
Brutal: Above the Claw
Ok, give us an upgrade and we expect all the good stuff from before with a few tweaks, as well as some new stuff. What we don’t expect is a game that plays worse than the original, especially when it’s on more powerful hardware. Games like Brutal: Above the Claw was why the 32X was never taken seriously. When your 16-bit version plays better and is more fun, why upgrade? Still, we have a review for those of you considering a purchase anyway. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Spiritual Warfare
Wisdom Tree sure had a run during the 8-bit era, releasing several mediocre games that were eventually ported to the Genesis…intact. Yes, games like Spiritual Warfare are perhaps the best justification for not trusting unlicensed wares, and we’ve the review to prove it. I’ll never doubt that Sega Seal of Quality again.