Christmas 1994 saw the release of a game that many anticipated, but relatively few bought. The irony was that sales were hampered not by the game itself, but by the hardware it was on. Though many people wanted to play Star Wars Arcade on the 32X, few were willing to shell out the cash for the add-on. Sales were decent enough initially, but it was a sign of things to come. Did gamers miss out on something special? Should they have taken the plunge just to play this arcade port? Why not read our full review and find out?
NFL Quarterback Club ’96
Ah the ’90s. A time when there were actually several football franchises from which to chose. Some were great and some outright stunk, but hey, that’s what made having more than a single selection so cool. Acclaim tried for years to compete with the big guns, and while its Quarterback Club series often showed signs of brilliance, most of the time it was just average.
Batman Forever
There have been tons of Batman games over the years, but exactly how many were memorable? Not many, that’s for sure, and with turds like Batman Forever in that repertoire, it’s no surprise. Horribly repetitive gameplay and terrible character design make this a major contributor to Acclaim’s tarnished legacy.
Dangerous Seed
A Japan exclusive, Dangerous Seed passed under most people’s radars, and while it isn’t mind-blowing, it’s solid in just about every respect.
Lunar: Eternal Blue
Lunar Eternal Blue was the highest-selling title in Sega CD history and rightly so. Mixing incredible storytelling with a solid battle engine and loveable characters, it was everything a sequel should be. Working Designs scored big with this one and it’s a title that deserves to be in any self-respecting Sega CD owner’s collection.