
Genesis Reviews

Bio-Hazard Battle

One of the more unique shmup concepts was the use of insects as ships. Though Insector-X tried to pull it off, it was Sega’s own Biohazard Battle that came the closest to conveying the coolness of using a raging hornet as your craft. Sound weird? It should, as this is one weird game.

Genesis Reviews


In real life, having lives in your hands can be a big responsibility. In video games, you can at least go to bed at night with a clear conscience if you lose a few. Take Populous, for example. Here’s a game that lets you be a god and control the destinies of an entire people, and man is it fun!

Genesis Reviews

Light Crusader

It’s funny how the debate still rages regarding Light Crusader. Many think it was a prime example of Treasure dropping the ball and consider it a exhibit A when presenting their theories about why the developer is overrated. Others think of it as a mere hiccup in an otherwise steady stream of quality releases by one of the most dependable developers in gaming. Then there are others who simply look at it for what it is: a decent action/RPG. Where do we stand? Read our full write up and see!

Genesis Reviews

Fatal Rewind

Someday, the world will tire of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune, and corporate executives will mesh game shows with reality T.V., giving us Fatal Rewind. Yes, after Dr. Phil and Oprah, it will be time to watch people die! This is the true and only future for television, and Sega-16 gives you a glimpse of tomorrow with our review of the game that tells it all!