
Genesis Reviews

Mutant League Hockey

Electronic Arts’ Mutant League series has a huge following, and all are still hoping for another sequel. The only two games ever released were both on the Genesis, and we’ve a review of Mutant League Hockey, which many contend (including series creator Michael Mendheim) to be the weaker of the two. Still, it’s an interesting take on the game, and you have to admit that video game hockey has never been so much fun!

Genesis Reviews

Donald in Maui Mallard

Donald Duck has been all around the world, done many amazing things, and teamed up with the best of them. But did you know he was also a ninja? Yes, there is simply nothing this duck can’t do. Why, he’s so cool that he’s not just a ninja, he’s a ninja in Hawaii!

Genesis Reviews

Elitserien ’96

NHL fans might not know it, but there’s another ice hockey league out there that has just as big a fan base. The Swedish Ice Hockey Association has a long and storied history of delivering the best of the sport to European fans, and this did not go unnoticed by game publishers. Electronic Arts, for one, published a modified version of its NHL ’96 with Swedish teams and players. How did it compare to the U.S. version?

Genesis Reviews

Master of Weapon

Ah shmups. Call them shooters or what you will, there’s no denying their appeal. Dashing through space, killing all in your path…it’s a most satisfying way to spend an afternoon; however, sometimes the glory isn’t worth the pain. Take Taito’s Master of Weapon, for instance. If ever a game should have stayed in the arcade, this was it.