Oh my dear Sonic, what have you started? It seems that your breakout success sparked a deluge of would-be mascots that felt they had the same spark you did, but when the dust finally settled, those that weren’t buried under the piles of unsold cartridges wallowed in misery at the unemployment office. Some were thankfully lost to time, and others like Mr. Nutz got another fifteen minutes of fame with a attempted comeback in the modern era, which is about fourteen more then he deserved.
El Viento
Wolf Team was on fire during the 16-bit era, producing several Genesis titles that varied from mediocre to excellent (depending on who you ask). One thing the group liked to do was create action games, and a fan favorite of the genre is Wolf Team’s El Viento. Spanish for “the wind,” the game tells the odd tale of a young girl out to stop the resurrection of an ancient demon in New York City.
Jewel Master
Action games are a dime a dozen, but sometimes a few come up with an interesting idea. Sega’s Jewel Master tries something new by putting the weapons system into two handfuls of rings, each with its own power. These magical rings can be combined for all sorts of neat power, and though the game didn’t fufill its potential as hoped, it was still a fun little romp that deserves to be checked out.
Double Dragon 3: The Arcade Game
Double Dragon has been around in one form or another since it exploded onto the arcade scene in 1987, producing innumerable immitators. As time wore on, however, Technos went in all different directions with the franchise, even going so far as to team Billy and Jimmy with the Battletoads! While none of the games released over the years have been particularly bad, some have definitely been lacking. Double Dragon 3: The Arcade Game is probably one of the worst offenders, and many consider it to be the dark horse of the franchise. But is it really so bad?
Ground Zero Texas
Full motion video attack! Yes, many gamers automatically think of these controversial games whenever the subject of the Sega CD comes up. There are a ton of them, and many deserve the negative comments that spew forth at the very mention of their name. What about Ground Zero Texas, one of Digital Pictures many attempts at making the genre popular? Well, you could possibly consider it the poster boy for everything people hate with FMV games.