One of the more controversial FMV titles, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers attempted to go in a new direction with the standard gameplay of the genre, and it went from pre-production to release in less than ninety days, due to Van being presented with an almost impossible deadline. Some love it, and others hate it, but it’s definitely a game you need to play at least once.
Pete Sampras Tennis
Sega’s done a great job of getting its tennis franchise back to form with Virtua Tennis 3, and it brings a great deal of fun and realism to the sport. Not that tennis has ever really lacked in the fun department. From the excellent Super Tennis on the SNES to the great Pete Sampras Tennis series on the Genesis, there has always been a good game within reach.
Make Your Own Music Video: Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch
Somewhere, when no one is looking, Mark Wahlberg silently curses at his PC monitor as he scours eBay. The cause of his anger? Copies of Make My Video: Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch fetching BINs of ยข.99. The funny thing is, it’s not the price that has him upset; it’s the fact that copies of his FMV debut are still in circulation. Trust us, after playing this installment of the Make My Video series, we feel his pain.
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind
Think of furry mascots that didn’t make it, and the first one to come to mind is usually Bubsy the Bobcat. Accolade’s famous feline gave it the ol’ college try, but he too was left in Sonic’s dust. Never achieving the success of his blue rival, Bubsy still managed to muster enough energy for two sequels, each less successful than the original game.
World Championship Soccer
The Genesis debuted in 1989 with a wide variety of games from all genres, sports included. Alongside the great Tommy Lasorda Baseball and the simple, yet fun Arnold Palmer Golf was a soccer game that well, sucked. To be honest, World Championship Soccer wasn’t even fun when it came out, and with the plethora of incredible soccer games to be had on the system, there’s no reason on Earth to play it today.