
Genesis Reviews

R.B.I. Baseball ’93

Baseball season’s right around the corner, and what better way to get in the mood than with a review of one of the longest running series from the 8 and 16-bit era? R.B.I. Baseball ’93 followed the same trends as its predecessors, but by then other games, like Sega’s own incredible World Series Baseball, had eclipsed it. It still might be worth checking out for those who are fond of the series or are looking for another baseball game to play.

Genesis Reviews


Like battling it out with a friend using massive weapons of destruction? Eager to crush your foes beneath your heel (and hear the lamentation of their women)? Well, there’s no more a testosterone-ridden way to do it than with gun-toting invertebrates? Sounds great, huh? Unfortunately, Ocean’s port of the PC classic Worms seems to be packing blanks, as this port lacks almost everything that made the game so great.

Sega CD Reviews

Jeopardy! (CD)

Jeopardy! is one of the longest running game shows in history (Bob Barker and The Price is Right still owns them all), and just about every console under the Sun has seen some version of it. The Sega CD is a member of this club, with an enhanced version of the Genesis cartridge. If you’re looking for some game show action, why not read our full review and see if this version is the one to get?

Genesis Reviews


More wrasslin’ action coming your way! Acclaim went WWF mad on the Genesis during the ’90s, and each of its games had its own particular level of quality. How does WWF RAW compare to the rest of the bunch. Well friend, you’ll just have to read our full review to find out!

Genesis Reviews

Time Killers

Time Killers! You loved it in arcades! You clamored for a home port, and here it is! If anything, it’s a perfect example of being careful of what you wish for. What? You mean you didn’t want this turd on the Genesis? Ah well, in that case you have our condolences.