
Genesis Reviews

PGA Tour Golf

Ever since Sterling Silver Software (later called Polygames) started the PGA Tour Golf series on the Genesis, consoles have been getting a yearly fix. The franchise is huge now, with brand exclusivity and Tiger Woods’ face plastered on the box, but it all started on Sega’s little black box.

Genesis Reviews

Ultimate Qix

Taito has a long history of arcade hits, and the company ported many of them to the Genesis. In addition to games like Saint Sword and Cadash, gamers received an excellent port of Volfied, also known as Ultimate Qix. Challenging and highly addictive, this puzzle/action hybrid offered excellent gameplay wrapped up in some great presentation – a yummy package all around.

Genesis Reviews

Magic Bubble

Like puzzle games? Think you’ve played them all? Well, I’ll bet you haven’t tried out this little puzzler from C&E Inc. (makers of Beggar Prince). Originating in Taiwan and never officially released elsewhere, Magic Bubble is a fun game that’s worth tracking down for the small amount it commands on eBay. Just in case you’re still on the fence, we’ve got a full review to help you decide.

Genesis Reviews

Elemental Master

Shooter fans love Techno Soft. Fewer companies have produced more quality games in the genre than it has, and the Genesis was especially blessed by its talents. Everyone knows of the Thunder Force series, of course, but there’s also another vertical shooter that unfortunately doesn’t get as much love. Well, we’re here to change that with a full review of Techno Soft’s other classic, Elemental Master.

Sega CD Reviews

Hook (CD)

The story of Peter Pan has been around for over a century, and while everyone knows the classic Disney rendition, many have tried to put 1991’s “sequel” Hook out of their minds. Love it or hate it, it was a huge hit, telling the story of a grown up Peter who must return to Never Never Land to rescue his children from Captain Hook. In typical summer blockbuster fashion, it received a video game for several consoles. Sega fans had their hopes raised for the Sega CD version, expecting all kinds of goodness. Instead, they got the Genesis game with a CD soundtrack.