Racing has many faces, from the dirty danger of rally competition to the chaotic madness that takes place on city streets. With so many different options, it seems as though there’s something for everyone, and while all are loved, none are more prestigious than formula one racing. So why then, did Sega’s Formula One World Championship for Sega CD try its best to burn rubber on such a grand legacy?
Trouble Shooter
One of my favorite shooters on the Genesis is Trouble Shooter. Vic Tokai’s wacky action tale of two girls out to rescue a prince is both engaging and well designed. It’s a bit on the easy side, but the charm of it all keeps you coming back for more. We have a full review of this little gem, and this is one game that should definitely be in your library.
Fighting games are a dime a dozen. Good fighting games, on the other hand, are about as common as a tap dancing bulldog. Fans of the genre must wade though a soup of crap to find those games worth playing, and some titles manage to sneak by due to a goofy gimmick or popular license. Accolade’s Ballz is one title that whose worth is still debated by gamers, with some applauding the great 3D feel and fresh direction, while others decry the questionable gameplay.
Virtual Pinball
Like pinball? If so, then you’ve probably already played more than a few video versions of the classic game. It’s been a hit and miss experience attempting to recreate the feel and gameplay of actual pinball in video game format, and Electronic Arts took a stab at it back in 1993 with Virtual Pinball. The result was a lukewarm game that wasn’t necessarily bad but didn’t really do anything to stand out either.
Marble Madness
Normally, you’d think that rolling a shiny metal ball around a stage without letting it fall would make for a great game. The original Marble Madness was wonderful, with its excellent trackball controller and more recently, Marble Blast Ultra on Xbox Live Arcade showed that such a game could work with a controller. But that was long after analog sticks became the norm, and poor Genesis gamers had to suffer with playing on a totally unsatisfactory D-pad. The Genesis port of Marble Madness suffered because of it, among other things, and the resulting effort was poor enough for even creator Mark Cerny to disown it!