
Genesis Reviews


Frogger has been making the rounds for almost two decades, and the little amphibian star has appeared on every console known to man. Majesco inexplicably decided on the classic title as the final official domestic release for the American Genesis, and we have a full review of that port, which no doubt taxes the Genesis hardware more than any game before it! Reeebit… I mean, read it for all the details.

Genesis Reviews

Mario Lemieux Hockey

The thing I remember most about Mario Lemieux Hockey is that it came with a real hockey puck. The oversized box protruding from the store shelf is an image that I’ll never forget. Unfortunately, that might be about the only thing this game has that makes it stand out, and Sega more or less only succeeded in simply filling a hole in the Genesis library by releasing it. Like many of the early sports titles on the console, it wasn’t anything to write home about – except for that cool hockey puck.

Sega 32X Reviews

Virtua Racing Deluxe

Virtua Racing Deluxe was way better than the Genesis version and was very close to the arcade Virtua Racing minus just a few features. Some new stuff has been added to make this a better overall game though, and while racing fans might not get all the features they expect from a racing sim, there are some things here that will keep them interested.