Virtua Fighter remains a three dimensional fighter, and therein lies one of its greatest strengths. It revolutionized the fighting game scene when it hit the arcades, and all those great features are present in the 32X version.
Cosmic Carnage
One of the few fighters created just for the 32X was an obscure game called Cosmic Carnage. It was released only on the 32X, so it is virtually unknown due to that add-on’s failure (it wasn’t the only game to suffer such a fate). A beat-em-up with little innovation or any special qualities to make it stand out in the crowd Cosmic Carnage wasn’t anything special and if you haven’t played it, then don’t worry because you haven’t really missed out on anything.
Blackthorne is definitely in the top few 32X games and is just as good as all of the other versions. Despite few flaws and minor problems, this game turns out to be very decent.
Junction is a game few people remember and even fewer actually played. Part of Micronet’s line up for the Genesis, it was a neat little puzzler that had players guiding a marble around a tiled stage. The complete lack of marketing caused the game to die a quick retail death. It’s a good thing then, that we’re here to remind you of why you need to give this one a try!
Tired of riding your bike and pounding in other racer’s heads in Road Rash? Then ditch the bike, lace up those inline skates, and get ready for some Skitchin’. Electronic Arts’ variation on its popular motorcycle theme burst onto the Genesis with great visuals and a rocking soundtrack, and it remains a favorite among many gamers to this day. See if you can grind (ha!) your way through our full review and get all the details.