
Genesis Reviews

NHL All-Star Hockey ’95

Sega has a long reputation of making quality sports games. Anyone who’s played the NFL 2K series (specifically the 2005 edition) or World Series Baseball can attest to the company’s prowess in the genre. Sometimes though, even the mighty can stumble, as was the case of NHL All-Star Hockey ’95. In an attempt to take on EA’s stellar NHL series, Sega came up short in several areas.

Genesis Reviews

Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie

Mickey Mouse and the Genesis have quite a storied history together. Beginning with the grandeur of Castle of Illusion and continuing on to the great World of Illusion and Mickey Mania, the famous mouse has made a home of the 16-bit wonder. Sure, there have been some hiccups along the way (read: Fantasia), but the majority of Mickey’s outings have been highly playable and fun. Capcom’s foray into the Disney rodent arena, The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie not only has one long title, it’s also a great little two-player romp.

Genesis Reviews

NBA All-Star Challenge

Today’s basketball releases incorporate the all-star game and events within their meaty option menus, and gamers have come to expect such treatment with each yearly installment. During the 16-bit era, however, such luxuries were not available, and gamers had to look for other ways to get their all-star groove on. Unfortunately, Flying Edge decided to remedy this and offer up a compilation of events in NBA All-Star Challenge. It sports a three-point shootout, free throw contest, and even a one-on-one competition. Hey, it even has Michael Jordan! So why then, is it so bad?

Sega 32X Reviews

Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples

Despite its maligned reputation, the 32X has a suprisingly decent sports library. World Series Baseball, FIFA Soccer ’96, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, and an adequate version of Quarterback Club cover most of the bases, and the group is rounded out by a solid golf title. Bearing perhaps the longest name in all of Sega gaming, Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes of Golf Starring Fred Couples is a great way for the golf novice to jump into the sport. It’s also another fun game for your neglected mushroom! Read our full review for more information.