Genesis Reviews

Genesis Reviews


Rare’s amphibious trio came to the Genesis in 1991, and while fans were expecting a whole new adventure, what they got was a solid port of the NES original. They’d have to wait for the SNES release to get the new game they wanted, but as always, the Genesis came through with a some great gameplay….all the difficulty too!

Genesis Reviews

Doraemon vs. The Dream Thief and the Seven Gozansu

Often called Japan’s Mickey Mouse, Doraemon is an icon of Japanese pop culture that has endured since the late 1970s. He’s made the rounds on just about every console imaginable but unfortunately had one appearance on the Genesis. That’s a shame too, as Doraemon vs. The Dream Thief and the Seven Gozansu is a wonderful, quirky little platformer that most American gamers sadly missed out on.

Genesis Reviews


Based on one of Disney’s most memorable films, Fantasia fails to capture any of its magic. The poor controls, vague objectives, and repetitive gameplay make this one of Mickey’s poorer adventures. It’s best to leave this one and just watch the movie. You’ll enjoy it more.

Genesis Reviews

Mutant League Hockey

Electronic Arts’ Mutant League series has a huge following, and all are still hoping for another sequel. The only two games ever released were both on the Genesis, and we’ve a review of Mutant League Hockey, which many contend (including series creator Michael Mendheim) to be the weaker of the two. Still, it’s an interesting take on the game, and you have to admit that video game hockey has never been so much fun!