Sega 32X Reviews

Sega 32X Reviews

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (32X)

Hey look! It’s another version of Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure. I guess the 32X version was collecting dust in some ancient 16-bit temple somewhere, but we finally tracked it down for a review. If you’re really a nit-picker and need to know the differences between all three versions, now’s your chance! Read the full review and hope we don’t find a Master System version with Power Base Converter for a review!

Sega 32X Reviews

WWF Raw (32X)

We here at Sega-16 are hoping everyone had a happy holidays, and we’ve put down the egg nog long enough to update one last time this week with a review of WWF Raw for the 32X. Is it better than the cartridge version? Could it be the best wrestling game on the Genesis? Do you really think any Acclaim wrestling game is good? We’ve some insight on the first two questions in our full review. As for the third… well, we won’t belabor the obvious.

Sega 32X Reviews

Virtua Racing Deluxe

Virtua Racing Deluxe was way better than the Genesis version and was very close to the arcade Virtua Racing minus just a few features. Some new stuff has been added to make this a better overall game though, and while racing fans might not get all the features they expect from a racing sim, there are some things here that will keep them interested.