
Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 05 Retrospective

This Saturday, Sega-16 celebrates its fifth anniversary. After half a decade, we’re not only still here, we’re better than ever. Though the past twelve months haven’t been as eventful as some of the previous years, we’ve still made some great strides, and the site has remained consistent in both the quality and the quantity of its updates. I’ve shared my thoughts on the subject in this year’s retrospective, so please do check it out.

Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 04 Retrospective

Today marks our fourth anniversary, and it’s amazing that Sega-16 has been around for four years already. That’s a lifetime when it comes to websites, and I’m very proud to see how the site has grown. Most importantly I’m amazed at the incredible response that it continues to generate around gaming community, and most recently, the industry itself. All of our accomplishments of the last year have been detailed in our Year Four Retrospective, so please read up on us and continue to enjoy the site. Thanks for all your support, and we hope to keep giving you the best articles about Sega’s golden era!

Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 02 Retrospective

On this day two years ago, Sega-16 was unleashed on an unsuspecting populace. It’s been quite a ride these last twelve months, and we’ve come a long way. But an event of this magnitude deserves a closer analysis, and our Year Two Retrospective talks at length about all we’ve accomplished. It’s been our pleasure to serve the Genesis community for these last two years, and we hope to be around for many, many more. Thanks for all your support!

Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 01 Retrospective

June is a very special month here at Sega-16. It marks the one-year anniversary of the site, and my, what a ride it has been. We’re only getting started, and year two looks to be bigger and better than the first. Still, reflection is always a good thing, and I had some thoughts on the site’s first year that I wanted to share with you, the reader. Sega-16: Year One Retrospective takes a look back on the long, winding road that brought us to where we are now.