Reader Roundtable

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 117

Don’t let the odd weather fool you! It’s still perfectly fine to stay inside and play all those great games you’ve been meaning to get around to. December is a great time of year to catch up on the ol’ Pile of Shame, and hopefully you were all nice enough this year to get some of the games on your want list. Check out what our staff and readers have been playing this month and see if Santa treated them better than he did you!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 115

Close the door, grab a seat, and keep that candy for yourself! Let the little moochers of the neighborhood knock on someone else’s door; there are games to play! October is a great month to go back and play some of the spookier games on the Genesis, Game Gear, and Master System. There are also lots of other titles worth revisiting. Read on and see what our staff and readers have been playing this month!