Reader Roundtable

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 19

One thing you can always count on is that somewhere, someone is playing some great games from yesteryear. Here at Sega-16, we just love to share those Genesis titles that are currently burning up our consoles, and our readers congregate once a month to tell us what they’ve been playing. This month’s Reader Roundtable features a group of games that range from classics to out-and-out stinkers. Read the full article and see what your fellow Segaphiles are up to!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 18

Summer’s officially here, so why not spend all your free time in front of your Genesis? Who needs the beach and sunshine? Not the faithful! When there are so many great games to play, you can always take comfort in the knowledge that the Sun does indeed rise tomorrow when you weigh your options! To that end, our readers have chimed in with all the latest info on what they’ve been playing this month. You know you’re curious, so grab a chair and some lemonade, and read the eighteenth installment of our ever-popular Reader Roundtable feature!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 17

May is here, and we’re still playing! You’d think we’d have run out of games to talk about, but things couldn’t be further from the truth. For the seventeenth straight month, Sega-16 readers are eager to share their Genesis experiences, and there’s no end in sight. So sit back, grab some chips and soda, and see what all your fellow Sega fans are currently playing. Check out the latest installment of Reader Roundtable and enjoy!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 16

We say goodbye to March with this month’s Reader Roundtable, where Sega-16 staff and readers give you the lowdown on what they’ve been playing this merry month. There’s a great selection of games this time around, and you’d be surprised at how many obscure titles get their chance to shine (or be openly ridiculed if they deserve it!). Check out the full article and enjoy! Don’t forget that we urge all our readers to chime in. We’d love to hear from you!