Reader Roundtable

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 89

As American Independence Day draws near, thoughts turn to hot dogs and potato salad. That’s fine, but everyone knows that the real American pastime is video games. What better way to honor our nation’s founders than by playing a console called “Genesis?” Just as they battled to forge a new country, Sega fought to establish a new console. OK, that comparison’s a bit too much, but no one can deny that our country’s founders did everything to give us a long weekend for gaming.

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 88

Summer’s here! Time for the beach and vacation… or staying home and playing games! Either way is good, and while it’s always fun to loaf around at home and play, vacation is a welcome opportunity to get out and see the world. How else can one find new game shops and flea markets and buy more games? This month’s Roundtable has a few classic titles our readers might want to track down, as they’re more available than ever and for a great price!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 85

What better way to send off the month of love and friendship than by showing some love for an old friend? After more than two decades, the Genesis is still going strong for so many people, and one need only glance at the range of titles featured in this month’s article to see just why! There are plenty of games to rediscover or experience for the first time, so read on and see if there’s one you missed or should try again!