
Features, Interviews

Interview: David Javelosa (Multimedia Studio Sound Director)

During first half of the ’90s, Sega was a growing company that poured lots of cash into research and development. At the forefront of this investment was its initiative to create one of the most modern audio studios in the industry, and to do so it assembled one of the best teams in the business. Alongside Brian Coburn and Spencer Nilsen, Sega also brought aboard David Javelosa as sound director. An experienced composer and musician, Javelosa quickly went to work, and the Sega Multimedia Studio crafted the audio for such CD hits as Jurassic Park. Sega-16 had a chance to chat with Mr. Javelosa about his time at Sega, and our Q&A session is something you won’t want to miss!

Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 04 Retrospective

Today marks our fourth anniversary, and it’s amazing that Sega-16 has been around for four years already. That’s a lifetime when it comes to websites, and I’m very proud to see how the site has grown. Most importantly I’m amazed at the incredible response that it continues to generate around gaming community, and most recently, the industry itself. All of our accomplishments of the last year have been detailed in our Year Four Retrospective, so please read up on us and continue to enjoy the site. Thanks for all your support, and we hope to keep giving you the best articles about Sega’s golden era!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 31

It’s the end of the month, and that means it’s time for our traditional Reader Roundtable feature. Vol. 31 takes a special look at some of the games our staff and readers discovered through the site over the past four years, and you’d be surprised at how many of them were lacking the Monster World goodness! I’d wag my finger at them, but I’d rather let them bask in the awesomeness of some of the greatest action/RPG games ever made. Take a look at our anniversary edition of Sega-16’s most popular feature, and see if you too need to catch up on a specific title!