Baseball season has come and gone, and while Phillies fans are still celebrating, everyone else is looking forward to next year. In the meantime, why not keep yourself occupied with one of the many baseball games on the Genesis? Tengen was a big supporter of the genre, offering several installments of its renowned R.B.I. Baseball series for 16-bit gamers, and we’ve laid them out for you in one handy little article. Read up on the whole series in R.B.I. Baseball: 16-Bit Grand Slam and see which is the game for you.
MEGA Bites Vol. 09
The past month has seen a a few Genesis-related stories surface, and what better way to see what’s up then by reading a new installment of MEGA Bites? See why Al Qaeda loves 16-bit, prepare for a new Genesis compilation, learn about the possible future of Space Harrier, and drool over a possible Capcom vs. Sega fighting game. It’s all here for you, so read the full article!
Reader Roundtable Vol. 35
Today, we close out our week-long celebration of the Genesis’ twentieth anniversary. We have two goodies on tap for you tonight. First, our monthly Reader Roundtable feature focuses on the console’s launch and the first games we all experienced with our shiny, new Genesis systems! There’s a bunch of first time experiences to read, so check out the full article for all the details.
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 24
Today marks the twentieth anniversary of the Genesis launch in Japan, and we’re continuing our week-long celebration with a new installment in our Stories from the Book of Genesis series. In “Good Night Victoria,” staff member Vince Thornburg details the evolving relationship a model 1 console had with a family, and how it was finally sent off with the proper respect after a long and fruitful life.
Double Take: Altered Beast
When you think of the Genesis, one of the games that instantly comes to mind is Altered Beast, even though few people generally have anything positive to say about it today. Why is it then, that this particular title is etched in our minds whenever the topic comes up? Is it that it was included with the console for free and was thus the first Genesis experience for most people who bought the console at launch? Probably, and what’s really interesting is that most people don’t tend to associate the simple and repetitive gameplay with a deep marketing strategy. Believe it or not, Altered Beast was probably the perfect game to include as a pack-in, from a marketing standpoint at least.