This Saturday, Sega-16 celebrates its fifth anniversary. After half a decade, we’re not only still here, we’re better than ever. Though the past twelve months haven’t been as eventful as some of the previous years, we’ve still made some great strides, and the site has remained consistent in both the quality and the quantity of its updates. I’ve shared my thoughts on the subject in this year’s retrospective, so please do check it out.
Sega Ages: The “Genesis Does” Games
Sega launched its frontal assault on everything Nintendo with both an magazine and television campaign that famously stated that “Genesis does what Nintendon’t.” To this day, gamers remember that catchy jingle from the commercials (most of which can be found in our video archive), but are all the games worthy of their hype? Staff writer Christian Matozzo takes a closer look at them to find out in the latest installment of Sega Ages.
Ten Commandments of Buying Sports Games
Staff writer Alex Burr has probably spent more time with the Genesis sports library than anyone in recorded history, and he’s decided to bring the word down from on high as to which games are still worth playing so many years later. It seems there are more than you would initially think, and you can read all about in The Ten Commandments of Buying Sports Games.
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 28
It’s always interesting to find something game-related in the wild, especially when it’s in another country. Staff writer Sebastian Sponsel has had his share of experiences with the bootleg underworld of Argentina’s gaming scene, but this time he’s gone head first into it! Check out his tale in installment #28 of Stories from the Book of Genesis.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 42
We cap off the month of May and all its rain with edition #42 of our monthly Reader Roundtable series. There are lots of games to see this month, including a few you may not have played before. Read the whole article for all the info on what our staff and readers played this month, and get ready for summer!