
Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 12

We’re back with all the latest news on the Genesis front. The newest installment of MEGA Bites has some great information on the new Rocket Knight Adventure game and the recently arrived Retro Gen handheld. Moreover, we got the low down on why ToeJam & Earl are missing from Sega’s All-Star games. Read it get the scoop!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 46

We cap off another month with our regular Reader Roundtable feature, which showcases what our staff, readers, and forum members have been playing for the last month. This installment may be short, but there are some great games here, and you’re sure to find something worth checking out. Read the full article for all the info. And as always, reader submissions are welcome, so feel free to email us about your monthly exploits!

Features, Sega Gear

Sega Gear: Genesis Portable System

A company called Innex has obtained the exclusive distribution rights to a Genesis console called the Firecore, as well as two new licensed portables. One of them is the Retro Gen, a full-fledged modern equivalent to the Nomad, and the other is a smaller unit with twenty games built-in called the Genesis Portable (released overseas some time ago).

Features, Lists of Fury

Lists of Fury: Game Series That Should Have Stayed on Genesis

Everyone loves top ten lists. Well, they at least love to hate them. Truth is, you can pretty much count down anything, so why not make it interesting? Our newest feature series, Lists of Fury, takes a look at things that are bound to piss off Genesis fans… piss them off at Sega, at Nintendo, at modern games – heck, even at us! The very first installment counts down those game series that should never have ventured outside the safe confines of their 16-bit yards and the train wrecks they become since doing so. Read about them and then head over to our forums and vent!

Features, Sega Ages

Sega Ages: Sonic The Hedgehog

No Genesis celebration would be complete without some tribute to the character who made it such a success to begin with. Yes, I’m of course referring to Alex Ki… what? Oops! Sorry, I meant his replacement, Sonic The Hedgehog. We’ve compiled a short rundown of all the Blue Blur’s Genesis adventures, so read the full article and be sure to check out our complete history on the series as well.