Nothing comes between a Segaphile and his Genesis, not time, money, distance, even uncooperative big brothers. Not even the dark confines of basement storage can keep a true 16-bit fan from the great console, and gamers are sure to find a way to get hold of the console so they can play the games they love. Case in point: contributor Smee Lesko shares his tale of how he never stopped until the once-family Genesis was his and his alone.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 51
Need a way to combat the cold? Warm up to this month’s installment of our Reader Roundtable series, and see what we’ve been playing for the last few weeks. There’s sure to be something to interest you, as well as a few gems you might have missed. Check out the full article for more details.
Interview: Frank Trzcinski (PS2 VectorMan Concept Artist)
Several years ago, Sega announced a Playstation 2 sequel to its VectorMan games. Video was shown, and the game seemed on track for a 2004 release. Then, it was canceled without warning, and little was heard from it again. That all changed last month when the game’s former lead production designer released some concept art, and we just knew we had to talk to him.
Double Take: Eternal Champions
Sega’s famous fighter Eternal Champions is a game most people seem to either love or hate, with few taking the middle road. Those who defend it note its complex fighting style and unique Sega feel, while those who trash it seem to do so for those very same reasons!
History of: Virtua Fighter
Sega changed the fighting game landscape forever with the release of Virtua Fighter, the game many people consider to be crucial to ushering in the 32-bit generation. Sega’s 3D blockbuster also received a very good 32X port, and its sequel was even brought to the Genesis! Yes, this franchise has a long and storied history, and we take a detailed look at it in our complete retrospective.