
Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 06 Retrospective

The 27th of this month marks our sixth anniversary! Think about that for a second… we’ve been talking about the Genesis for more than half a decade already. And to think that we still have so much left to say! While we come up with some more articles for you, take a gander at this year’s retrospective. It hasn’t been as eventful a year as others, but that’s ok. We’re just thankful to be here after all this time.

Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 13

It’s nice to see that people are finally beginning to appreciate just how good the Genesis library is, and many franchises are being revived or ported to modern consoles. Everything from the Wii Virtual Console to the iPhone has seen classic 16-bit Sega goodness in some way or form, and now even Steam has Genesis games for purchase! We take a look at some of the latest developments in the Genesis arena in the newest edition of MEGA Bites, so read the full article for all the juicy details.