
Features, Interviews

Interview: Affinity: Sorrow Team

Adding to the already thriving Geness Homebrew community is Airwalk Studios, whose second effort promises to be a big one. An RPG by the name of Affinity: Sorrow, the game is slated for a hopeful release next year. We snagged the developers for an interview on this eagerly awaited title, so read on for details on what could be next year’s big Genesis release.

Features, What's the Frequency, Kenneth?

What’s the Frequency, Kenneth? Vol. 01

Sometimes, things happen that leave you totally puzzled, confused without a clue. Since this also seems to happen quite often in the world of video games, we figured it was worth discussing. Hence the birth of a new feature series! What’s the Frequency, Kenneth? is a new editorial series by Sega-16 EIC Ken Horowitz that examines the bewildering decisions made in the wonderful world of 16-bit gaming, past and present. A lot of the events of the Genesis era are still felt today, and they still influence the decisions made by the House that Sonic Built.