Sega disappointed everyone by not releasing a true Sonic game for the Saturn, and what we got instead was Sonic 3D Blast, which was also ported to the Genesis. Well, now that we have two of them, why not see which one’s better? Check out our latest Side by Side and find out!
2011 German Mega Drive Championship
For the fourth consecutive year, Sega-16 brings you coverage of Europe’s best Mega Drive tournaments! This year, we return to the German MD race, where a dozen candidates battled it out for prizes sent by Sega of Germany. Who won? Check out the full article and see!
Reader Roundtable Vol. 67
Summer’s nearly over, but there’s still a grand stack of Genesis games to play! Read our newest installment of Reader Roundtable to see what staff and readers have been playing while everyone else was on vacation.
Developer’s Den: Game Arts
Few companies rode the Sega wave of the mid ’90s as well as Game Arts did. Under the guidance of director and producer Takeshi Miyaji, the company produced a string of hits for the Genesis, Sega CD, and Saturn that still fascinate gamers today. Sega-16 takes a look at the career of both Miyaji, who died in July of 2011, and the company he founded in this installment of Developer’s Den.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 66
With the new site design up and running, it’s time to get back to doing what we do best: play video games! Our Reader Roundtable feature returns after a two-month hiatus, and we’ve got some great titles to share with all of you. Read on and see what our staff and readers have been playing in July.