Sonic returns in the second installment of to his fourth official outing. There have been some improvements to most of the major issues from the first game, but new problems take away from what could have been a major lift to this series. Read our complete hands-on and see why!
Reader Roundtable Vol. 81
Before you head off for parties or trick-or-treating (you’re NEVER too old for candy), take a minute and see what we’ve been playing this month. It’s not all spooks and specters, although there are some ghouls and ghosts! Check out this month’s installment of Reader Roundtable and have a safe and happy Halloween!
MEGA Bites Vol. 15
The last few months have seen a lot of activity on the Genesis front, including updates, remakes, and a few downright weird things… As always, we’ve compiled them together in a nice, digestible collection. So, kick back and see all the latest news about your favorite franchises!
Double Take: Super Thunder Blade
The subject of perhaps the most controversial review on Sega-16, Super Thunder Blade is a game that people tend to hate. But is it really as bad as many believe? Staff writer Sebastian Sponsel takes another look at the much-maligned port and sees if there’s any truth to the controversy.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 80
It’s funny how one can always find something new to play on a console that’s more than two decades old; the Genesis just keeps on giving. Imports and some classics await within, so check out what we’ve been up to instead of playing in leaves and enjoying the cooler weather.