
Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 16

Some interesting new tidbits of news have been drifting around the web the past few weeks, and we’ve compiled them into a nice little article for easy digestion! New information on the upcoming Castle of Illusion remake, Sonic’s latest game, and some Sega classics coming to the 3DS await, so read on and enjoy!

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 88

Summer’s here! Time for the beach and vacation… or staying home and playing games! Either way is good, and while it’s always fun to loaf around at home and play, vacation is a welcome opportunity to get out and see the world. How else can one find new game shops and flea markets and buy more games? This month’s Roundtable has a few classic titles our readers might want to track down, as they’re more available than ever and for a great price!

Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: After Burner Climax (iOS)

Sega’s screaming fighter shmup is back, and this time it’s on your iPhone! Everyone loves After Burner, and Sega’s made the classic franchise portable again. Going from the arcade to consoles and then to the mobile market seems like quite a trek for even a fighter jet to make, and this one sadly loses some of its speed along the way. Some games simply weren’t made for a phone.