
Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 102

As August fades and everyone ends vacation time or gears up for new semesters of high school and college, let us take one last look back at those carefree days and bid them a fond farewell. Soon, the seasons will change, and our lives will go back to their daily routines. Never forget though, that your Sega Genesis is there year round! It can always be a 16-bit summer, no matter what time of year it is.

Features, Teasers

Teasers: It Came from the Desert

While It Came from the Desert has been available as freeware and in reproduction form for a while now, it’s finally getting the licensed treatment denied to it back in 1990. Developer Cinemaware is partnering with Pier Solar creators Watermelon to give the game the full physical release treatment for Christmas 2014. Another lost Genesis title finally comes home!