
Features, Sega Stars

Sega Stars: Joe Miller

In July of 2014, the SEGA community and video games in general lost one of their most innovative minds. Joe Miller’s passing marks the end of a brilliant career, but it also presents an opportunity to explore the rich legacy he leaves behind. His work at companies like Epyx, Atari, and SEGA altered gaming in many ways we still see and experience today.

Features, Reader Roundtable

Reader Roundtable Vol. 105

Had your fill of turkey? Tired of hearing your relatives talk? Then sneak away and play some Genesis upstairs? At someone else’s house this year? Bet you’re sorry you didn’t get a Nomad! Well, at lease take comfort in reading what other Sega fans have been playing this month. At the very least, it will keep your mind off the fact that you’re going to be eating leftover turkey for another week.