YouTube channel iretrogamer has done a great little retrospective on the Vic Tokai’s series of games that includes Decap Attack and Psycho Fox. Both titles are similar in the style of gameplay also found in Kid Kool on the NES. Check out the video and learn a bit more about this fun little series of platformers!
Sega Legends: Philip Morris Sued Sega Over Unauthorized Malboro Ads
1991, cigarette maker Phillip Morris decided to sue Sega Enterprises over use of what was obviously a version of its Malboro brand logo. Found in the arcade version of Super Monaco GP, the ads set off what was a relatively quiet, if not tense situation between the two companies that ended in a settlement.
Interview: Robert Hunter (Game Artist)
During its brief existence, Clockwork Tortoise created games that seemed to really test Sega’s hardware and were really fun to play. Robert Hunter was an artist at the studio, and he recently spoke to Sega-16 about his experiences at Clockwork Tortoise, as well as his time at Malibu Interactive and working on the Genesis and Sega CD.
Sega Scan: Sex & Sega: Partners in Print
Sex and video games go way back, and every game publisher has found a way to combine the two. Sega went farther than most did in its print advertising, particularly in Europe, and by the late ’90s its ads were quite daring. By the turn of the century, game ads had become raunchier and more provocative. We take a look at the history of sex in Sega’s print advertising, and discuss its impact.
Interview: Lizardcube & DotEmu (Wonder Boy III: Dragon’s Trap Remake)
The remake of The Dragon’s Trap is coming soon, so we reached out to get more information about its development. Lizardcube and DotEmu were kind enough to offer some details on this highly-anticipated remake!