It’s not every day that you get to play a game as an aquatic mammal, and it’s actually more fun than it might sound. Ecco the Dolphin fans have known this for years, and appreciate the unique twist on the platformer genre the series represents. For more than a decade, gamers of all ages have been attracted to the series, and we’ve decided to honor it with the latest installment of our History of series. Enjoy!
Lost in the Arcade: Sega Games
With the incredible arcade pedigree it had, Sega left a bunch of its hits off its home consoles, titles that could have made the Sega CD and 32X true contenders. That is, of course, if the two add-ons could have handled them. The first installment in our Lost in the Arcade series looks at some of those games we feel would have been welcome at home during the 16-bit revolution. Check it out and see what could have been.
Rise and Fall of Full-Motion Video
They’ve been given quite a bad rap by gamers and to this day, and mere mention of them can still provoke anger and frustration among the Sega faithful. They are full-motion video games, and they are among the most disliked genres around. Why? What earned them the ire and wrath of gamers everywhere?
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 04
You all know the feeling. You’ve gotten your hands on a game that simply must be played without pause. A classic all-nighter ensues, and only your body’s complete breakdown from sleep depravation tears you away from your TV. That was what happened with Wonder Boy in Monster World when it came out for the Mega Drive, and oh what a wonderful experience it was. Our latest installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis details just how great it was, so take a look!
Hacks & Homebrews: Super Mario World
Today we kick off a new article series, which takes a look at some of the weirder and more obscure releases for the Genesis over the years. We begin with a look at one of the better hacks to come out of Hong Kong (is that an oxymoron?). Super Mario World seems too good to be true…until you play it. A mish-mash of broken concepts and “could have been” moments, it still showed some serious potential. Read the article to see just how much.