
Features, Interviews

Interview: Bill Kunkel (Games Journalist)

Bill Kunkel is widely considered by most to be the father of video game journalism, and his work on the classic magazine Electronic Games will forever be remembered. He also was the Game Doctor in Sega Visions and wrote the Niles Nemo comic strip that ran there for six issues. Sega-16 talked to him for a bit about his experiences at the magazine, and you know you want to read it!

Features, Power Battles

Genesis Power Battles Vol. 03: Pulseman vs. VectorMan

It seems like our readers just can’t get enough of our Genesis Power Battles series, and that makes us very happy. We hope that reading about two 16-bit stars duking it out is as much fun to read as it is to write, and since it’s just so much darn fun, we’ve another installment already lined up for you! Volume three has the Genesis legend VectorMan going toe-to-toe with the electric hero Pulseman. Check it out to see who had the edge.