For years gamers have been pondering the question: what’s the best video connection for my Genesis? Well, it took some time, but Sega-16 has heard your pleas. Contributor Joe Redifer has compiled a great guide to all types of connections, which ones are compatible with your particular model, and where to go for the best service. You owe it to yourself to give this one a read. Or do you want to play Gunstar Heroes in RF forever?
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 08
With so many great games, the Genesis is fertile soil for some fan fiction, and we’ve got just the thing to start your weekend. Get ready for some fantasy fun in the first of a three-part story arc called Revenge of the Genesis Brotherhood, no bookmarks needed!
Graphical Greats: The Best-Looking Games on Genesis
Every else throws awards around like so much plastic, so why not us? Have a gander at our latest piece on the sweetest of eye candy in Graphical Greats: The Best-Looking Games on Genesis. Then head post below and tell us why we’re wrong!
Interview: Dave Sullivan (Niles Nemo Artist)
Sega-16 was lucky enough to score an interview with the man who drew the short-lived Niles Nemo comic strip, David Sullivan. He had some interesting things to say about working with Bill Kunkel and Sega of America. Check it out for yourself; you know you want to!
Double Vision: Requiem for Sega Visions Magazine
With a talented staff and no shortage of great games and hardware to cover, Sega Visions had the potential to rival Nintendo Power in size and quality. Unfortunately, it was forever denied prominence due to internal feuding and politics at Sega. Still, it was the only official U.S. magazine ever released by Sega, and it lasted for more than half a decade.